The project started in 2008 and is making an impact on the lives on the people of Bougainville especially the youths who are seen as the worse affected people on the island.
The Bougainville crisis might have an impact on the lives on the people on the island. Bougainville Soccer Association was then re-established in 2000 after the crisis, but slowly rebuilding, with the man behind the scene, President Justine Helele and his hard working football enthusiast lieutenant and Senior Vice President Mr Joseph Maineke. Mr Maineke said it is now the work of the association to do its best to develop strategies to life the standard of football to where it was before the conflict.
Since 2002 Bougainville Soccer Associtaion implemented the kids’ football programme in Autonomous Region with the aim to bring peace and harmony within the community. As this is also another way of making the island a better place to live in. Interest have shown that with the involvement of children, youths and families have been re-united and this has increase the level of interest to participate by the different communities who have been enemies for quite a while.
There are now 25 associations affiliated to Bougainville Soccer Association taking part in their national soccer league, which is now in preparation for the recently launched Besta FA Cup. The PNGFA Cup is expected to be staged in Kimbe later in the year. This has been the result of developing children in the code of football and using it as a tool to address peace on the island.
A team of young footballers from the region were invited to Zurich in 2002 under the supervision of Mr Maineke, Joseph Maineke. Joseph would like to thank the PNGFA President, Mr David Chung for the invitation and said that the trip was an eye opener for the youngsters and currently preparing for a possible tour around the country to expose his players. Mr Maineke was recognised for this participation in the community with his peace initiatives and was recently knighted a Medithorial Service Award last week Thursday. He would also like to acknowledge Mr John Momis for funding his trip to Port Moresby for the Awards and PNGFA for assisting his association for conducting refereeing and other football developments in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.