The website, available at , contains all the latest news, photographs and other information relating to football in the nation.
It was unvieled by the TFA Media Department on the eve of the association’s Executive Committee meeting this week.
The site is developed by New Zealand-based company StayinFront (Asia-Pacific) Ltd and follows a similar design to the OFC website.
The new format uses the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, which allows information to be shared easily with OFC and its member associations.

TFA is the fourth association to have its website re-vamped with the changes coming hot on the heels of those at the Samoa Football Federation ( the Cook Islands Football Association ( and the Football Federation American Samoa ( who unveiled their new sites in June, March and August respectively.
The plan is for all OFC member associations to have a brand new website by 2011.
OFC General Secretary Tai Nicholas says improving the confederation’s internet presence is an important part of its media and communications plan.
“Tonga now has an online platform to promote football, keep fans informed and build a close-knit community,” says Nicholas. “I would like to congratulate TFA President Ve’ehala, General Secretary ‘Ahongalu Fusimalohand and media officer Tia Soakai for working with the OFC team on this project.”

“We are seeing exciting media developments in all of our member associations, particularly with the recruitment of dedicated media officers who are helping to tell the stories of our game. OFC will continue to liaise closely with each country to assist not only with new websites but also to develop radio, print and television solutions.”
The launch comes after OFC Media and Communications Coordinator Xavier Audu visited Tonga to provide on-the-spot training for the media and competitions departments as TFA integrates into OFC’s O-Link internet system.
General Secretary Fusimalohi is delighted with the achievement and is full of praise for the media team.
“Technology has certainly made the world smaller but, in the islands, communications services sometimes have a mind of their own. It is gratifying to be able to overcome these challenges,” Fusimalohi says.
“Informed citizens are central to sustained development and good governance in our region as we strive to provide up-to-date information to promote football and its developments in Tonga.”
The launching coincides with the release of ‘2010 AT A GLANCE’, a six-minute visual report produced by TFA’s Media and Marketing Officer, Tia Soakai , giving an inside look at football developments in Tonga. The report was presented at TFA’s Executive Committee’s meeting on Friday 20 August at Loto Tonga Soka Centre in ‘Atele.