The course was run by OFC player development officer and instructor for FIFA Daniel Shirley with the aid of OFC coach/mentor Simon Toselli.
Covering a variety of topics including longe term plans for player development, the coaching approach, the laws of the game and goalkeeping, participants were kept busy throughout the five days.
As part of their training they were required to prepare and deliver a session using the players from both the Development Centre and Centre of Excellence to demonstrate their abilities.
The 20 participants came from different football backgrounds, with some having represented Samoa in the national team, but all of them have the same end goal which is to further develop youth and grassroots football in Samoa.
Shirley says the Centre of Excellence and Development Centre have been running for three to four weeks now and all of the coaches involved with those centres took part in the course and a pre-course workshop where they discussed the development and planning surrounding the centres.
FFS CEO Sarai Bareman says she is pleased with the course and the excellent opportunity being provided for the particpants to become quality coaches and role models ahead of the new season kick off in September.
She says with the continued support and assistance of the course facilitators and FIFA, football should continue to grow and develop in Samoa,
For more on Samoan football go to
Samoa hosts youth coaching course