The seminar is the first of its kind in Oceania, introducing the FIFA Pitch Quality Kit and how to assess fields using this equipment.
The seminar was facilitated by pitch consultant Dr. Marke Jennings-Temple from the Sports Turf Research Institute in Australia.
As well as gaining an understanding of how to use the Pitch Quality Kit, the groundskeepers were also given further background on natural grass maintenance and best maintenance practice.
The course included hands-on outdoor sessions looking at the machines and tools used in the Cook Islands, fertiliser and irrigation methods as well as seeding, sprigging and turfing.
Participants included CIFA turf manager Edwin Browne and his assistants Anthony Samuela and Lai Gukisuva.
Also in attendance were groundsmen from Nikao Sokattak and Avatiu as well as the groundskeepers from Cook Islands National Stadium.
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