Football Development
Football Development
The OFC Technical Department focuses on developing technical direction using three main pillars to improve community participation and get results at the FIFA’s competitions.
1. Player Development
2. Education and Training
3. Elite programmes
Working closely with the FIFA Development Office in Oceania, OFC organises a variety of programmes across the region aimed at coaches, referees, medical personnel, women’s football, futsal and beach soccer.
The Technical Department has recently launched a successful new OFC licensing accreditation scheme. The scheme has set the benchmark in Oceania for coach education. Through its staff and locally trained member association instructors, the OFC technical Department has accredited thousands of people involved in the game.
A key tenet of the department is to connect to and leverage its grassroots participation in member associations and establish a sustainable football development platform through improving the skills of local football people. OFC staff work hard to this end and ensure member association instructors have the resources to assist coaches and players at the community level.
FIFA and OFC have combined to deliver ‘Train the Trainer’ courses to MA Instructors that has provided capacity building opportunities for local coaches who have been identified to conduct community courses.
The OFC Technical Department is also charged with observing technical trends across the Oceania region. For each OFC competition, a Technical Study Group is active on the ground filming and analysing strengths and weaknesses in areas such as goalkeeping, tactical awareness.